Okuma Town Exchange Zone > event > Hotto Okuma > 7/15 (Sat) - 17 (Mon) Hotto Okuma Peach scented bath


7/15 (Sat) - 17 (Mon) Hotto Okuma Peach scented bath


Hotto Okuma

At Hot Okuma

We will be holding a peach scented bath during the three-day weekend starting tomorrow, the 15th (Sat)!


What is a seasonal bath?

A bath that incorporates seasonal ingredients. By floating seasonal plants in the bathtub,

Bathing is a traditional Japanese culture that has been passed down since ancient times, where people enjoy the changing seasons while reaping the power of the bathwater with their entire body.

Its roots are said to date back to the Heian period, when Kobo Daishi Kukai popularized "herbal baths" as medicinal baths for medical purposes.

*There are various theories.


The seasonal bath in July is "Momoyu".

Although they are not real peaches, we have peach-scented bath salts in the large public bath for our guests to enjoy.

Come and enjoy Okuma's relaxing public baths during your three-day weekend!
