Okuma Town Exchange Zone > news > Very popular! Announcement of chiropractic and massage services in July


Very popular! Announcement of chiropractic and massage services in July


Hotto Okuma

This is an announcement from Hotto Okuma regarding chiropractic and massage services in July.

This month's chiropractic services are on the 7th (Friday) and 21st (Friday).

①17:00-17:20 ②17:30-17:50

③18:00-18:20 ④18:30-18:50

④19:00-19:20 ⑥19:30-19:50

Also, the massage service in June is

The dates are the 11th (Tuesday) and the 25th (Tuesday).

①10:30-11:00 ②11:30-12:00

③13:30-14:00 ④14:30-15:00


Both are free of charge and reservations are required.

Please make a reservation by phone in advance!
